Age 36
Accomplishments Stars as Gus on USA’s Psych; played presidential aide Charlie Young on The West Wing; accomplished tap dancer
Base Los Angeles
What’s the first information you consume in the morning?
Actually, it is my Bible. I use that on my iPad. There’s an app called YouVersion. I try to look at it first thing in the morning.
What do you read or watch or listen to at the breakfast table?
I read Zite, which is another app on the iPad. It’s like a personal magazine. You put in your interests and your Twitter feed and Facebook account, and it uses that information to curate articles that pertain to you.
What occupies your mind in the car, on the subway, train or bus?
Most of the time it’s work—what I have to do for the day and logging it in my mind. If I’m not driving, I also log it in my phone. I don’t have an assistant, so I have to be my own personal assistant and make sure I get my day right. If I’m in Vancouver working on Psych, I also use that time to read my lines.
Are you a TV junkie or on an airtime-restricted diet?
When I have the free time, I love TV. I’m not caught up on this season yet, but I really love Game of Thrones. I also like New Girl, White Collar, Shameless, Happy Endings and Scandal. I think The Firm is a great show—I was heartbroken when I heard it was canceled.
Before bed, do you bite into a novel, graze on Twitter or fast until morning?
I like to read, go on Twitter or do Zite. The book I’m reading now on my iPad is called That Mean Old Yesterday by Stacey Patton. I actually started reading it onstage when I was doing Stick Fly, and it really engaged me.
Which is more nutritious: print or Web?
I would say the Web because you can cover more ground.
Give us the skinny on your favorite app.
As of late, this game called Infinity Blade II. I’m unbelievably addicted to it. I have it on my iPhone, but I play it on my iPad more. It takes up a lot of my time—not necessarily productive time.
What’s your biggest digital indulgence?
The Twittersphere. I think I’m at almost 14,000 tweets in a little over a year. That lets you know right there.
What kind of Twitter accounts do you follow?
I like CNN, NBC, political and news figures, anchors like Chuck Todd, and all the Republican presidential candidates—I’m not a Republican, but I do like hearing opposing views. I even follow Karl Rove!
With such a bloated media universe, how do you cut out the fat?
I think you just have to know what you like. DVRs, Twitter and Zite all help—they really cover the whole media world and pull things in that are specific to me.