As you read this, millions of American consumers are trying to make good on that annual exercise in grand aspirations known as the New Year’s resolution. According to a study by digital ad-tech firm SocialVibe, 44 percent of us made resolutions this year. Move the age bracket to 25-44 and it jumps to 52 percent. That’s not just a lot of promises but a lot of business. Resolution-related spending is expected to reach $5.6 billion in 2013—this, despite the fact that only 28 percent of us actually accomplish our resolutions while 46 percent of us never even get started. Another wrinkle: “Most customers choose resolutions that are meaningful to them,” said Jamie Auslander, SocialVibe’s director of research. That means the same resolutions tend to bubble up year after year. All that’s very interesting, but how does it translate into dollars? Adweek selected four of the most common resolutions, then consulted a major brand in each category to ask: Are you seeing a lot of new customers right now?