McDonald's Fabricates Awkward Internet Meme With #Shamrocking
McDonald's recently failed spectacularly with a hashtag-based campaign, #McDStories, which became a bashtag when people hijacked it to tell some of the most unpleasant and disgusting McDonald's...
View ArticlePerspective: Fast-Food Nation
In 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts walked on the moon, the Woodstock Festival rocked upstate New York and your average McDonald’s customer looked a lot like young Jimmy, here. (For the record, that...
View ArticlePortrait: The Vidal Partnership
Specs Who ( r.) Gustavo Lauria, managing partner, chief creative officer; Alberto Ferrer, managing partner, marketing and operations; Marco Vega, managing partner, brand management; Brian...
View ArticleThe Most Insane, In-Your-Face Mineral Water Ads Ever (NSFW)
You might want to put on a crash helmet before watching these crazy, NSFW spec commercials—reportedly the rogue work of university students—for Lithuanian mineral-water brand Vytautas. The ads, done...
View ArticleDavid Lynch's Rat-Infested 1991 Anti-Litter Ad Will Make Your Skin Crawl
David Lynch's 21-year-old "We Care About New York" anti-rat, anti-littering PSA is suddenly infesting the blogosphere. (Has there ever been a pro-rat commercial? Apart from Gingrich's campaign ads, I...
View ArticleFTC Cracks Down on Deceptive Auto Ads
Local auto ads have never been known for their subtlety, but some went too far, according to the Federal Trade Commission. Five dealers around the country agreed to settle with the FTC over ads that...
View ArticleBrand Logos Redesigned for Hipsters
This Tumblr of brand logos redesigned for hipsters reminds me that I have no idea what a hipster is anymore. Most people just use it as a descriptor for a person or thing they dislike. Which is fine,...
View ArticleRogue Medical Group Strikes Again With Cancer Billboard in Chicago
Watch out, hot-dog lovers. You might be in for a case of the butt cancers. A new billboard on Chicago's Eisenhower Expressway is getting quite a bit of attention with its cartoonish look and juvenile...
View ArticleCake Brand's Bus-Stop Ads Butter You Up With Free Treats
Not to be outdone by Australian bus-stop ads, British baked-goods manufacturer Mr. Kipling has installed what are basically free-cake vending machines in London bus shelters. The installations, each...
View ArticleTourism Ads for Lazy People
"Bored? Scroll the infinite pages of the Internet. A refreshing way to waste the day!" That headline tops one of H. Caldwell Turner's amusing "Travel Posters for Lazy People" over at CollegeHumor. The...
View ArticleFear Factor: Feds Launch New Anti-Smoking Campaign
Uncle Sam wants to scare you away from smoking. The Feds couldn't force tobacco companies to put gruesome images on cigarette packages, so now it's going on the offense, launching a new anti-smoking...
View Article10 Most-Viral Guinness Commercials Ever
David Ogilvy once called Guinness ads "part of the warp and woof of English life." Today, 80 years after John Gilroy first sketched his pint-balancing toucan, Guinness advertising is a global...
View ArticleAmerican Eagle Outfitters Briefs Finalists
And then there were three. American Eagle Outfitters today briefed a trio of agency teams that advanced to the final round of the retailer’s global creative and media review. Each team includes a...
View ArticleAd of the Day: Diet Coke
Diet soda is one of the few substances scientifically known to be ingested by fashion models. So, it's not completely off the wall that Jean Paul Gaultier has been named creative director for Diet...
View ArticleTrailer Mash 03-16-12
It's back to school with Adrien Brody, Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill in this week's unlikely mashup of Detachment and that 21 Jump Street remake everyone's been dreaming of for years. Below, 10 of...
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